In-Person and Online Sign Language Interpretation


Our Services

Real time, Video Remote Interpreting   

Video Remote services (VRI) delivers real-time, convenient and affordable American Sign Language (ASL) services using web-based video technology. The Hearing and Deaf participants ware in the same location and the interpreter is located remotely.  

With our real-time remote interpreting solution, you simple need a laptop or tablet and a high-speed internet connection.  

VRI with EEIS is as easy as launching a web-browse. Click and go!


In-person Interpreting  

We Bring the Best to You. 

We provide interpreting services to businesses, medical practices, schools, and other organizations that employ or serve members of the Deaf community.  

Accurate, reliable and friendly, EEIS interpreters will be present where you need them, in person to ensure easy and accurate sharing of information and interaction.
